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Fertilizers – Types, Uses, Advantages, Disadvantages, and Importance

Fertilizers are heavily used in farming to increase crop production. The debate over the use of these fertilizers is hot right now, as many people are realizing the effects of organic production and looking for growing methods that work with nature. You can easily buy fertilizers online in India. In this post, you will find the types, advantages, disadvantages, and importance of fertilizers.

What is Fertilizer?

Fertilizers are chemical substances that are applied to crops in order to boost productivity. Farmers use these to increase crop production. The fertilizers contain the essential nutrients that plants require, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur etc. They improve the soil’s water-holding capacity as well as its fertility.

Types of Fertilizers

Here are some of the types of fertilizers:

  • Inorganic Fertilizers

Inorganic fertilizers are chemical fertilizers that comprise nutrient attributes for crop growth and are produced chemically. Inorganic fertilizers are classified as follows:

  • Nitrogenous Fertilizers 

Nitrogenous fertilizers contain nitrogen, which is highly required for crop development. Nitrogen is the primary component of chlorophyll, which helps to maintain balance during the photosynthesis process. It is also a component of plant amino acids and constitutes protein. Nitrogenous fertilizers increase the quality and yield of crops.

  • Phosphorus Fertilizer

Phosphorus is the primary nutrient in phosphorus fertilizer. Its efficiency is determined by effective phosphorus content, fertilizing methods, soil characteristics, and crop strains. Phosphorus, which is found in the cell’s protoplasm, is essential for cell growth and proliferation. Phosphorus fertilizer is beneficial to the growth of plant roots.

  • Organic Fertilizers

Organic fertilizers are natural fertilizers that are derived from plant and animal waste. It adds carbonic compounds to the soil, which are necessary for plant growth and soil health. Organic fertilizers increase the nutrient content of the soil, encourage microorganism reproduction, and alter the physical and chemical properties of the soil. It is regarded as one of the most important nutrients for green fruits and vegetables.

Uses of Fertilizers

Fertilizers serve a variety of purposes. The following are uses of fertilizers:

  • They are used to supplement the plants’ nutritional needs.
  • They are included to increase crop yield.
  • Organic fertilizers enhance soil texture and fertility.
  • They enhance the quality and shelf life of most crops.
  • They increase oil content in oilseed crops.
  • Other than soil treatment, fertilizers are also used in seed and root treatment.

Advantages of Fertilizers

Here are some of the advantages of fertilizers:

Encourage Plant growth

Fertilizers, in general, contain the primary plant nutrients – nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous, in different ratios designed for specific growth needs of particular crops, such as paddy or tomato. Because fertilizer nutrients meet the plant’s basic nutritional needs, crops can be grown even in subpar soils.

Provide a Consistent and Efficient Source of Nutrients

Fertilizers are manufactured with a consistent ratio of phosphorous, potassium, and nitrogen. These substances are dissolved quickly and reach the cells of a plant, where they are required. This nutrient consistency in fertilizers enables commercially efficient production.

Increase Crop Yields

The use of fertilizers increases crop yields, better food quality and making food more affordable by lowering the cost of production.

Disadvantages of Fertilizers

The following are the drawbacks of fertilizers:

  • They are expensive.
  • The fertilizer ingredients are harmful to the skin and respiratory system.
  • Excessive fertilizer use harms plants and reduces soil fertility.
  • The fertilizers leach into the rivers, causing eutrophication.
  • Long-term use minimizes microbial activity and disturbs the pH of the soil.

Importance of Fertilizers

It is extremely difficult to meet the demands of an expanding population with such limited resources. Loss of soil fertility, pests, and nutrient deficiency have all contributed to a drop in agricultural output.

The importance of fertilizers can be better understood in the following ways:

  • Judicial use of fertilizers makes plants more resistant to the pests. This decreasesthe use of chemical pesticides, resulting in healthier crops. As a result, pest incidence decreases, adding aesthetic value to the crops.
  • Fertilizers increase root growth and increase plant water retention capacity.
  • The potassium content of fertilizers strengthens the plant’s straws and stalks.
  • The phosphorus in fertilizers facilitates the better growth of roots and seed formation in plants.
  • Nitrogen in fertilizers promotes plant growth, which is characterized by the green color of the plants.

Because chemical fertilizers have a negative impact on soil fertility, bio fertilizers have been introduced. These are substances contain living microorganisms. They supply the soil with the nutrients and microbes required for plant growth. They assist the soil in retaining its fertility. They are environmentally friendly and also destroy pathogenic components that cause disease in plants. Always buy fertilizers online from reputable sellers in India like IFFCO BAZAR. For instance, the IFFCO NANO UREA by IFFCO BAZAR is one option for a nano fertilizer that is approved by the Government of India and also included in the Fertilizer Control Order (FCO).

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